Diabetes Flatbush: O que é?
O diabetes mellitus é uma doença crônica que afeta a forma como o corpo processa a glicose, um tipo de açúcar que é a principal fonte de energia do corpo. Existem dois tipos principais de diabetes: tipo 1 e tipo 2.
O diabetes tipo 1 é uma doença autoimune em que o corpo ataca as células beta do pâncreas, que são responsáveis pela produção de insulina. A insulina é um hormônio que ajuda o corpo a usar a glicose para energia.
O diabetes tipo 2 é o tipo mais comum de diabetes. É causado por uma combinação de fatores, incluindo genética, estilo de vida e obesidade. No diabetes tipo 2, o corpo não produz insulina suficiente ou não usa a insulina da maneira que deveria.
O diabetes Flatbush é um subtipo raro de diabetes tipo 2 que é caracterizado por cetoacidose diabética (CAD) no início da doença. A CAD é uma complicação aguda do diabetes que ocorre quando o corpo não tem insulina suficiente para usar a glicose para energia.
Os pacientes com diabetes Flatbush geralmente são jovens, obesos e de ascendência afro-americana ou hispânica. Eles também tendem a ter fatores de risco para diabetes tipo 1, como HLA de risco para diabetes tipo 1.
Os sintomas do diabetes Flatbush são semelhantes aos do diabetes tipo 2. Eles incluem:
- Aumento da sede
- Aumento da micção
- Fadiga
- Visão embaçada
- Perda de peso
O diagnóstico de diabetes Flatbush é feito com base nos sintomas, nos resultados de exames de sangue e na história familiar.
Os exames de sangue que são usados para diagnosticar o diabetes Flatbush incluem:
- Glicemia de jejum
- Teste de tolerância à glicose oral (OGTT)
- Quantificação de anticorpos anti-insulina, anti-GAD e anti-IA2
O tratamento do diabetes Flatbush é semelhante ao tratamento do diabetes tipo 2. Ele inclui:
- Dieta saudável
- Exercício regular
- Medicamentos orais para diabetes
- Insulinoterapia
O prognóstico do diabetes Flatbush é variável. Alguns pacientes podem controlar a doença com dieta, exercícios e medicamentos orais. Outros podem precisar de insulina.
- diabetes flatbush
- cetoacidose diabética
- diabetes tipo 2
- obesidade
- ascendência afro-americana
- hispânica
- HLA de risco para diabetes tipo 1
O diabetes Flatbush é um subtipo raro de diabetes tipo 2 que é caracterizado por cetoacidose diabética no início da doença. Os pacientes com diabetes Flatbush geralmente são jovens, obesos e de ascendência afro-americana ou hispânica. Eles também tendem a ter fatores de risco para diabetes tipo 1, como HLA de risco para diabetes tipo 1.
O tratamento do diabetes Flatbush é semelhante ao tratamento do diabetes tipo 2. Ele inclui dieta saudável, exercícios regulares, medicamentos orais para diabetes e insulina. O prognóstico do diabetes Flatbush é variável. Alguns pacientes podem controlar a doença com dieta, exercícios e medicamentos orais. Outros podem precisar de insulina.
WebDiabetic Ketoacidosis in Adults — Update of an Old Complication. Diabetic ketoacidosis is an acute complication of Diabetes Mellitus character- ized by hyperglycemia, metabolic. WebEste subtipo peculiar de DM é denominado diabetes flatbush. Neste artigo, relatamos o caso de uma paciente de origem caucasiana com tais características, na qual foi. Webdiabetes flatbush. Neste artigo, relatamos o caso de uma paciente de origem caucasiana com tais características, na qual foi possível retirada da insulinoterapia. Os possíveis. WebEste subtipo peculiar de DM é denominado diabetes flatbush. Neste artigo, relatamos o caso de uma paciente de origem caucasiana com tais características, na qual foi. WebKetosis prone type 2 diabetes/atypical diabetes/flatbush diabetes. is a widespread, emerging, heterogeneous syndrome characterised by patients who present with diabetic. WebThis review summarizes the main clinical and mechanistic studies to improve the understanding of ketosis-prone (Flatbush) diabetes. Recent findings: Little data are.
Reclassification needed for patients with ketosis-prone diabetes - Source: Healio
Most People Have Never Heard Of Ketosis Prone Diabetes: Here Is What You Need To Know - Diabetes Africa - Source: Diabetes Africa
Flatbush Diabetes becoming more common - Source: Docplexus
Diabetes Flatbush O Que é, What is Flatbush Diabetes, 7.42 MB, 05:24, 259, Southwest Integrative Medicine, 2022-11-13T16:00:32.000000Z, 2, Reclassification needed for patients with ketosis-prone diabetes, Healio, 441 x 375, jpg, , 3, diabetes-flatbush-o-que-e
Diabetes Flatbush O Que é. WebFlatbush diabetes is a mosaicism of clinical manifestations that goes by several names: Flatbush diabetes, ketosis-prone diabetes (KPD), type 1.5 diabetes, or atypical diabetes . While it goes by many different names, this new form of diabetes. WebEsta subclasse tão peculiar de DM é freqüentemente denominada diabetes flatbush, por ter sido descrita em um subúrbio de Nova York que recebe o mesmo nome (1,2). Neste. WebKetone-prone diabetes or Flatbush diabetes is being increasingly recognized worldwide. It is typically seen in obese middle-aged men with a family history.
Are you struggling to keep your blood sugars under control maybe you've recently found that you have type 2 diabetes but struggling to keep your blood blood glucose under control with diet and medications alone. In this video we're going to look at something known as ketosis prone type 2 diabetic or flatbush diabetes which is a less common form of diabetes but it is important to understand as insulin deficiency can be just as problematic as high insulin and high blood sugar so if you like this kind of information on diet nutrition health hormones and just trying to get a better understanding of what's going on with your body click on the like button and don't forget to subscribe to the channel to get more videos like this one now for a quick disclaimer the information in this video is for informational purposes only it's not intended as a treatment for any health condition or as a substitute for seeing an actual doctor or medical profession should be used as an educational guide to deeper your understanding of your own health and treatment success if medical attention is needed don't delay in seeking that attention let's check out this topic on flatbush diabetes or ketosis prone type 2 diabetes [Music] so in this video we're going to look at what is flatbush diabetes also known as ketosis prone type 2 diabetes traditionally speaking there are only two types of diabetes there's type 2 diabetes which is non-insulin dependent you typically do not need insulin with this type of diabetes and it comes on slowly over time as you get older over the course of say five six maybe even 10 years gradually blood sugar levels are getting worse and worse so there's some obvious lead up to it whereas post with type 1 it is insulin dependent so you need insulin it comes on at an early age and typically comes on suddenly in recent years the distinction between type 1 and type 2 is being a little bit blurred and the contrast between the two isn't as sharp as we once considered it to be some type 1 diabetes have some insulin resistance also more common with type 2 and then some type 2 diabetics end up needing insulin and therefore having some of the elements of type 1. This is important to look at because when you're getting diagnosed with diabetes if you're only looking at the blood sugar numbers and hemoglobin a1c you may miss the fact that you actually do need insulin and this in some cases can be critical for getting you back on track with your blood sugar without actually needing insulin later on that is the phenomenon that occurs with this flat bush diabetes also known as ketosis pro diabetes and it does go by a few other names as well in sub-saharan africa and africa this type of diabetes is very common and one of the distinguishing factors is the need for episodic insulin dosing these patients often present and look as if they're type 2 diabetic because they tend to be overweight and they do have high blood sugar but there's one key distinguishing factor and that is they have high ketones sometimes even have ketoacidosis this is a phenomenon that happens most commonly with type 1 diabetics and very rarely with type 2. the thing is these people with flat bush diabetes or ketosis prone diabetes don't have any autoantibodies to their pancreas and therefore they wouldn't technically be classified as a type one as as that is a autoimmune type of diabetes so since they don't have autoantibodies to the beta cells in the pancreas they're not classified as type one however they do need insulin because they are lacking insulin when they initially present for diagnosis once they have insulin and the blood sugar levels drop oftentimes the beta cells in the pancreas will start to reproduce that insulin and the need for external insulin injections goes way down in these cases it is thought that the beta cells are temporarily paralyzed by the really high blood sugar levels and therefore they're unable to produce insulin prior to this treatment their cells are basically starved for glucose and they start breaking down fats instead those fats are used for fuel because fats turn into ketones that leads to the elevated ketones and sometimes ketoacidosis that's where the name ketosis prone type 2 diabetics come from because they look like type 2 diabetics even though they produce ketones and need insulin the flatbush names comes from a series of cases that was discovered in east flatbush in Brooklyn New York this type of diabetes is definitely more common in Africa and African Americans, Latin Americans, Native Americans and in parts of Asia. it is seen in caucasians as well it's just not as common treatment for this type of diabetes depends on severity and can include things like insulin injections diet medications and lifestyle modifications once the glucose levels drop the glp-1 agonists are often used to encourage the pancreas to keep producing insulin so again this just illustrates the need to properly
Reclassification needed for patients with ketosis-prone diabetes
Diabetes Flatbush O Que é, WebEste subtipo peculiar de DM é denominado diabetes flatbush. Neste artigo, relatamos o caso de uma paciente de origem caucasiana com tais características, na qual foi. WebKetosis prone type 2 diabetes/atypical diabetes/flatbush diabetes. is a widespread, emerging, heterogeneous syndrome characterised by patients who present with diabetic. WebThis review summarizes the main clinical and mechanistic studies to improve the understanding of ketosis-prone (Flatbush) diabetes. Recent findings: Little data are.
related: Diabetes Flatbush é .
www.scielo › j › abemSciELO - Brasil - Relato de caso: diabetes Flatbush - da ...
Outro ponto interessante discutidoo determinaforma evoluínica desses indivíduos. Estudosévios mostram cursoínico pacientes diabetes flatbushextremamente variá retirada insulinoterapiapossí% desses indivíduos-9Nesta paciente, acompanhamento ... .
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc › articlesKetosis-Prone Diabetes (Flatbush Diabetes): an Emerging ...
Ketosis-prone diabetes Flatbush diabetes been widely recognizedclinical entity since 1984. Most early clinical studies focused African American Afro-Caribbean individuals. being recognized important clinical entity -Saharan Africans, Asian Indian populations, Hispanic populations. .
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Abstract Ketone-prone diabetes Flatbush diabetes being increasingly recognized worldwide. typically seen obese middle-aged withfamily history TypeDM. Atypicality onset gender variation increasingly observed worldwide. .
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › 30280274Ketosis-Prone Diabetes (Flatbush Diabetes): an Emerging ...
PMC6182625.1007/s11892--1075Flatbush diabetes; Insulin dependence; Insulin independence; Ketoacidosis; Minority populations; Remission diabetes; Treatment severe hyperglycemia; Typediabetes mellitus. Diabetic Ketoacidosispathology* Islets Langerhansmetabolism Ketonesmetabolism .
www.cureus › articles › 83696-an-insight-intoAn Insight Into Flatbush Diabetes: A Rare Form of Diabetes
Flatbush diabetesmosaicism clinical manifestations that goes several names: Flatbush diabetes, ketosis-prone diabetes (type5 diabetes, atypical diabetesWhile goes many different names, this form diabetes appears increasingly documented around world last several decades remains ... .
related: Diabetes Flatbush é .
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc › articlesAn Insight Into Flatbush Diabetes: A Rare Form of Diabetes
Ketone-prone diabetes Flatbush diabetes being increasingly recognized worldwide. typically seen obese middle-aged withfamily history TypeDM. Atypicality onset gender variation increasingly observed worldwide. .
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